Friday, March 4, 2011

Tango Etiquette

Tango Etiquette
I decided to add some tips on etiquette for those that have been asking for some clarification. Although etiquette does not by any means imply rules, we ask for them to be followed in regard to courtesy. These are not all the suggested tips, just ones I find important. If you haven’t been following them perhaps it was out of lack of knowledge and no one condones you.

1) Be courteous of others. If you see someone is engaged in conversation, don’t stand over them waiting for them to finish, or interrupt. Simply stand off on the edge of the floor and wait to gain eye contact.

2) Do not teach on the Milonga dance floor. No matter if you feel you are just trying to help, it is a distraction to others, and embarrassing to the person just trying to have a good time. Save that for when there is a practica somewhere and it is appropriate. Do not criticize your partner on the dance floor, for that 3 minutes they are your equal not a subordinate.

3) Be kind to beginners, we were all there once and to grow the community and have more dancers it is everyone's chore to make them feel welcomed and have an enjoyable experience. Do not criticize them or lecture. Encourage and be gracious.

4) Make sure you are traveling counter clockwise on the floor and moving with the flow of traffic, treat the floor like a traffic lane and be aware of others.

5) As a matter of courtesy, always escort a lady off and on the dance floor.

6) Never leave the floor in the middle of a song. Most often the music is played in Tandas or sets and it is proper to finish off a full set before excusing one self off the floor.

7) Talking on the dance floor in the middle of a song is not the way of Tango, and makes it hard to concentrate on the dance. Remember Tango is a dance using your body to communicate a dance sin palabres-without words.

8) Respect a persons body space comfort level. Although Tango is mostly danced in close embrace if someone doesn’t feel comfortable respect their space.

9) Gracefully accept rejection of a dance and do not take it personally. If you see that someone is sitting and not dancing enough take it upon yourself and ask them for a dance.

10) Most of all enjoy yourself, be respectful of others and try to make everyone’s experience a great one!

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