Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Argentine Tango Is For Everyone.....

Or is it? Let's look at why it is potentially for everyone...
Great way to meet people.
Eases stress.
Emotional and physical release.
Good exercise while having fun.
Creative expression.
Social avenue and networking opportunity.
Yet it may not be for all....
Does not full fill immediate gratification.
Requires intimate connection with others.
Takes time and energy.
Requires focus and commitment.


Unknown said...

I think a blog on Argentine Tango will be very helpful to people seeking more of the "mysteries" of the dance and also the history of it's origin. I have many questions I would love to read comments to. Thank you

ladytango8 said...

Yes Sir, you are right. When I have some spare air to breath, I will get on that. Honestly I would love to get into more depth, and plan on doing so in the future. Keep watching....